Settlement Reached Between Tri-State Generation And Moffat County/Craig

by | Jun 28, 2024 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

A settlement has been reached between Tri-State Generation and Transmission and the
City of Craig and Moffat County. The settlement aims to support the northwest Colorado
communities that will suffer as Craig Station retires its three generating units between
2025 and 2028. The settlement includes $22 million in direct benefit to the community
between 2026 and 2029, with other anticipated investments providing $48 million dollars
in additional benefit to the community between 2028 and 2038. Also as part of the
settlement, Tri-State will only solicit bids for a new natural gas power plant build in
Moffat County. Tri-State also has purchased a 145-megawatt solar project under
development in Moffat County to be online in late 2025. “The energy industry is pivotal
to our local economy and makes up such a large component of our tax base,” shares Craig
Mayor Chris Nichols. “We are pleased that the commitments contained within the
Settlement Agreement represent Tri-State’s reinvestment in the community that has
anchored Craig Station for decades.”

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