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September is ‘Food For Fines’ Time at the Uintah County Library

by | Sep 5, 2018 | News | 0 comments

Your opportunity has arrived to take care of pesky fines while helping locals in need. ‘Food For Fines’ is running at the Uintah County Library for the month of September. Donate canned food items in order to get your overdue library fines waved. “Non-perishable items are needed,” shares Uintah County Librarian Sam Passey. “You can bring food into the Library and we’ll get it to the food bank or you may also donate directly to the Ashley Valley Food Pantry. Just bring a receipt from them and we’ll waive your fines accordingly.” Donating one can forgives one dollar of fines. This is only valid on overdue and late fees, not on lost items or copy charges. Please no expired or rusted cans.


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