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Senator Winterton Gives Legislative Preview

by | Jan 21, 2025 | News | 0 comments

Utah Senator Ron Winterton gave an interview with KPCW radio to discuss the upcoming legislative session. Winterton confirmed that the budget will be flat this year which means they can continue maintaining the government on the base rate of last year but for any new projects, funds will be very slim. In past years, explained Winterton, they had a lot of federal money but that has dried up. Now those projects that were approved will be constructed and the money has to be spent by 2026. The money from the federal government was put into infrastructure to continue to boost the state’s economy. Winterton discussed taxes and some proposed tax increases. He said they do not like taxes and work to keep it to a minimum but there is no way to operate and maintain government services locally or on a state level without some kind of support through taxes. The 2025 general session of the Utah Legislature is scheduled to open today and run through March 7th. 

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