Senator Romney On ‘Infrastructure Investment And Jobs Act’

by | Nov 9, 2021 | News | 0 comments

The approximate $559 billion dollars in new spending approved by the House last week will bring money to Utah aimed at improving physical infrastructure which is something Senator Romney considers a needed investment. Utah will receive funds for roads and highways, water revolving funds, bridge repair and maintenance, broadband expansion, and amounts for many other priorities such as drought contingency and Indian Health Services. “After months of unnecessary delay by House Democratic leadership, today’s passage is a win for Utah, as we will now be better positioned to meet transportation challenges, mitigate drought conditions, prepare for and respond to wildfires, extend broadband to rural communities, and fulfill critical water needs,” shared Senator Romney. “In stark contrast to Democrats’ efforts to pass a separate bill to drastically expand social programs, the bipartisan group I worked with proved that it’s possible to achieve solutions without raising taxes or adding trillions to the national debt. I urge President Biden to keep his promise to sign this legislation without delay, so we can modernize our nation’s physical infrastructure, address supply chain issues, and demonstrate that, even in polarized times, Congress can still come together on behalf of the American people.”

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