Roosevelt Nature Park Grand Opening Announced For This Month

by | Jun 3, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The years of collaboration to see a nature park brought to Roosevelt City have been a
success as Roosevelt City has announced its Grand Opening. Elements of the Nature Park
project had been explored for years but work began in earnest in 2021. Grant funding for
this and the related trails projects came from a variety of sources, including the Utah
Office of Outdoor Recreation, Utah’s Watershed Restoration Initiative, and the
Department of Transportation. The project’s success has also been credited to community
partners including Uintah Basin Healthcare, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources,
Wildlife Conservation Foundation, Moon Lake Electric, Strata Networks, Sunrise
Engineering. The Grand Opening is taking place on Thursday, June 20th at 5pm and will
include free food, drinks, and dessert. The activities will include cowboy poetry, tagged
fish prizes, biggest and smallest catch of the day prizes, and candy fishing for the little

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