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Roosevelt Mayor Announces Run For Romney’s U.S. Senate Seat

by | Sep 19, 2023 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

The Roosevelt City Mayor has joined the race for Mitt Romney’s U.S. Senate seat. Rod Bird Jr. made the announcement on Monday just 6 days after Romney’s announcement that he will not seek reelection. Bird kicked off his campaign with a website that explains who he is and what he believes. At the top of his list of issues he states that he is committed to ending the revolving door between Congress and lobbying by enacting a 10-year ban on lobbying after public service, ensuring elected officials work solely for the benefit of their constituents. He also supports introducing congressional term limits and stricter regulations on lobbying activities. He also emphasizes his plans to defend conservative values, promote economic prosperity, ensure national security and sound foreign policy, advance education reform, and demanding affordable, free-market healthcare solutions. The campaign video ends with Bird stating, “If you believe in limited government, securing our border, guarding American jobs, rescuing our constitutional rights, and putting regular people ahead of special interests, join me. Let’s work together for a better future for our children.” Visit

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