Roosevelt Library Construction Continues Despite Supply Issues

by | Oct 5, 2022 | News | 0 comments

Slowly but surely, construction on the Roosevelt City Library continues despite supply
issues. “We appreciate the community’s patience as supply delays have plagued the
project, like many others in the world today,” shares Duchesne County Library Director
Daniel Mauchley. “Concrete work on the exterior continues. Much of the painting and
glass work is complete. The exterior roof is mostly finished and the interior t-grid ceiling
framework is installed. Cabinetry has arrived and tilework in the bathrooms also began.
We will likely see landscaping done later this month. The major hangup at this time is
lighting that was ordered a long time ago but is still not due to arrive until

Mauchley explains that some of the lights are large fixtures requiring large lifts for the main room so they are unable to move and install shelving and furniture until that work is completed. The hope is the move from the old to the new library can take place between Thanksgiving and Christmas but that depends on further delays.

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