Several business and social activities have been placed on hold with the need for social distancing. Despite that being the case, the Roosevelt Golf Course remains open. It is a situation that will be monitored day to day as the course strives to maintain the safety of guests. The Roosevelt Golf Course has taken the following precautions and asks that those who come to the course help the public to stay safe. The door handles and carts are constantly and consistently disinfected. Some of the new golf edict rules include not touching the flag sticks and not sharing clubs or any other golf equipment. Also be aware that the cups will be raised out of the ground and if the ball hits the cup it is considered holed. Payment has changed in that the course will not accept cash and people are encouraged to call and pay over the phone for tee times. For those that are playing in a group, please only send one person to check in. Finally, remember that if you are feeling sickly in any manner, please stay home.