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Roosevelt EV Charging Station At TriCounty Health

by | Mar 20, 2024 | News | 0 comments

An Electric Vehicle charging station is now available in Roosevelt at the TriCounty
Health Department location. This is the second phase of the project following the
charging stations at the Vernal location. “These EV charging stations will allow for
greater access for tourists and families of residents to visit the Uintah Basin in vehicles
that need to be charged,” shares TriCounty Health. “The new EV charging station is a
Blueberry DC (direct current) Fast Charger. The station offers two spaces to park while
charging and has two port types… to accommodate older and new electric vehicles.
Depending on the vehicle, the DC Fast Charger can charge a vehicle up to capacity
between two to eight hours.” Tourists and any looking for a charging station will be able
to see the stations at TriCounty Health on maps using the EV Structure, PlugShare, and
EvGateway apps. The current cost to charge is a transaction fee plus 14 cents per

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