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Roosevelt City Shares Snow Shoveling Tips

by | Jan 12, 2023 | News | 0 comments

The snow keeps coming and shoveling could count as a part time job now for most Uintah Basin residents. Roosevelt City has shared some tips from stormwater professionals that are supposed to help alleviate demands on the city storm water system, recharge ground water, and filter pollutants in the snow melt. Ready for this? When it comes to driveways and sidewalks it is recommended that you shovel a row straight down the middle. One half of the snow you push left, the other half right. Here’s the key: when you hit the edge, lift the snow and throw it further in the lawn. How about preventing snow from being pushed back into your newly shoveled driveway? To help prevent the snow plows from pushing snow back on your driveway, clear out a chunk of snow, about a three foot by 8 foot swath, left of where the driveway meets the road. This often prevents snow from re-entering your driveway area when a plow comes through. 

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