Roosevelt City Public Hearing Includes Garbage Collection Fee Proposed Increase

by | Jan 5, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The Roosevelt City Council is considering an increase in the consolidated fee schedule
and the public is invited to a Public Hearing to discuss this and other items on Tuesday,
January 16th. Public comment will be received on the following topics: Fiscal Year 2024
Budget Reopen and Amendment, Amendments to the Consolidated Fee Schedule, and
Proposed Revisions to Roosevelt Municipal Code Title 16 to clarify code concerning
Subdivisions. The Amendments to the Consolidated Fee Schedule is a proposed increase
in residential garbage collection costs to cover increased fees at the Duchesne County
Dump. Those interested are invited to attend the meeting on January 16th. Supporting
documentation on the Public Hearing items will be posted on the city’s website at, or you can contact the City Deputy Recorder at (435) 725-7205.

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