Rod Bird Jr. On Why He Is Running For U.S. Senate 

by | Sep 20, 2023 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

By now you’ve likely heard that Roosevelt City Mayor Rod Bird Jr. has entered the race for the U.S. Senate seat that will be open at the conclusion of Senator Mitt Romney’s term. Bird’s motivation behind his run has a lot to do with the communities and people of the Uintah Basin. “Being a part of this community has been a great blessing,” says Bird. “To witness the goodness of the people here, working together to solve problems and always willing to help those in need, is awe inspiring. This attitude of service, of giving back, of coming together to accomplish the almost impossible is exactly what our country needs right now.” Bird recently attended the ‘Why I Love America’ event in Roosevelt, where hometown hero Colonel Colby Jenkins centered his message on the phrase by Edmund Burke, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing.” This rings true to Bird. “Our country is quickly headed in the wrong direction, and I can’t sit idly by and watch that happen,” he says. “We have so many good men and women here in the Basin, and we need to be actively involved in protecting the constitution and our God given rights, or we may wake up one day realizing they have been lost.” The solution Bird says is to take action and become involved. “That is why I’m running, to represent the small town values that have blessed and defined America for generations,” says Bird. “Values that I see in so many of the men and women here in the Basin, and values that are so desperately needed across our great nation.”  

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