Rock Springs PD Warns Of Ongoing Scams Claiming A Warrant For Arrest

by | Sep 12, 2024 | News | 0 comments

No area of the country is immune but unfortunately people continue to fall for the tactics of scammers. Rock Springs Police Department is the latest to warn community members throughout the region that a phone call where the caller claims to be a law enforcement officer with a warrant for your arrest is a scam. “During the calls, the caller will identify themselves as an officer from one of the local law enforcement agencies,” shares the announcement. “They will then inform the person that there is a warrant for their arrest but that it can be cleared by paying the fee. Law enforcement agencies will not call you regarding a warrant and they do not accept payment via bitcoin, gift cards, or other untraceable payment options. To protect yourself, always insist on calling the individual back at the local phone number for the law enforcement agency.” They also remind all to never give out your full social security number or other personal information over the phone to an unknown individual. Always be cautious with any callers asking for payment and never pay in wire transfers, bitcoin or gift cards. Any caller that demands payment immediately without an option to call back is likely a fraudulent call. If you fear you have been a victim of this or another scam, contact your local police department. 

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