Rock Springs High School Targeted By Active Shooter Threat Hoax

by | Apr 5, 2023 | News | 0 comments

An active shooter threat called in about Rock Springs High School on Monday turned out to be part of an ongoing hoax happening across the country. According to the Rock Springs Police Department, the call came in at 8:32am and Rock Springs PD and Sweetwater County Sheriff’s Office responded to the high school and immediately began clearing the school. By 9am the school was cleared and it was determined the call was not credible. It was also learned that schools throughout Wyoming had received the same hoax phone calls that morning and that it was part of a larger trend. “It’s discouraging to believe that someone would find humor in this hoax, but whatever the reason, the drill only made our response stronger,” shares Rock Springs Police Chief Bill Erspamer. “Our officers responded with urgency, and our schools acted appropriately. As in every drill, we find room to improve. We are now even better prepared, and I am confident that our officers will be quick to act if ever called upon again.” It was confirmed that the call came from an internet phone system. The hoax targeted Utah schools just one week ago on March 29th. 

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