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Ribbon Cutting And Open House Planned For New Uintah Ag Sciences Building

by | Mar 29, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The new building on Uintah High’s campus stands out with white lettering that spells Uintah AG over red framed front doors. If you haven’t noticed it yet, it can be spotted between the main Uintah High School structure and the Ashley Valley Education Center. Ground breaking on the project took place in October of 2022. During that ceremony, Uintah Superintendent Rick Woodford stated that “continuing to improve our educational offerings for those who will one day feed our community and our nation is one of the most important things our district can do.” Well that important mission is now a reality. The building is 6,000 square feet and includes classrooms, lab spaces, and a spacious flexible learning area that can be used for larger projects. The Open House is scheduled for Friday, April 12th, from noon to 2pm with the Ribbon Cutting at 1pm. All are invited. 

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