Residents Of Rangely And Dinosaur Invited To Community Visioning Workshop

by | Feb 21, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Colorado residents of Rangely and Dinosaur are invited to a Community Visioning Workshop coming up on the NCNN campus. The announcement from the Town of Rangely shares that the purpose of the workshop is for community members to develop visions and goals for their community, particularly around outdoor recreation economic development. “The outcomes of this workshop will inform a Community Action Plan that will include actionable goals to be implemented over the next 2 years. The workshop will be hosted by a team of graduate students from CU Boulder and a steering committee with members from Rangely, Dinosaur, and relevant State and Federal agencies.” Participants will be crafting a vision for what the communities could become, and identifying actionable steps to achieve those goals. The workshop will be on the evening of March 6th and all day March 7th in the Weiss Building. 

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