Republican Party Offering $500 Selfie Scholarship 

by | Feb 12, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The Uintah County Republican Party has made an invitation for youth to get involved this election season. The Uintah Republican Lincoln Day Dinner is coming up on February 29th. Anyone ages 17 to 25 can be entered to win one of three $500 dollar scholarships by coming by the event and doing something that should be pretty easy for at least their age group. Take a selfie with the candidates at the event and post them to social media, tagging UintahGOP and Whatchama Adventures. This is the first time the Uintah County Republican Party has offered a scholarship like this. “The future of our county and country lies in the hands of our youth,” shares Uintah County Republican Party Chairman Kason Goodrich. “We want to encourage them to become involved in the civic discussion and help their education at the same time.” The Uintah Republican Lincoln Day Dinner on February 29th is at 6pm at the Uintah Conference Center. 

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