2018 held major economic benefits for the communities near Dinosaur National Monument. According to a report from National Park Service, visitors to Dinosaur National Monument spent $18.3 million dollars in surrounding communities last year, supporting 222 jobs and creating a cumulative benefit of $20.3 million dollars. “Dinosaur National Monument welcomes visitors from across the country and around the world,” shares Superintendent Paul Scolari. “We are delighted to share the story of this place and the experiences it provides. We also feature the park as a way to introduce our visitors to northeast Utah and northwest Colorado and all they offer. We appreciate the partnership and support of our neighbors and are glad to play a role in helping to sustain local communities. Beyond our region, national park tourism is a significant driver in the national economy, returning $10 for every $1 invested in the National Park Service.” The report and an interactive tool are available to view on