Rep. Owens Introduces Legislation to Combat Critical Race Theory

by | May 17, 2021 | News | 0 comments

On Friday, U.S. Rep. Burgess Owens introduced two pieces of legislation in Washington D.C. in response to the Biden Administration’s proposal to fund education programs informed by Critical Race Theory. A press release explains that the legislation includes a bill that would restrict the teaching of Critical Race Theory within federal institutions and a resolution that highlights the dangers of teaching Critical Race Theory in U.S. schools.

Upon introduction, Rep. Owens said: “I grew up attending segregated schools in the Jim Crow South during a time when people were treated differently based on the color of their skin. Critical Race Theory preserves this way of thinking and undermines civil rights, constitutionally guaranteed equal protection before the law, and U.S. institutions at large. This is the United States of America, and no one should ever be subjected to the discrimination that our laws so clearly prohibit.” Among Owens’ many supporters is Colorado’s Rep. Lauren Boebert. “We are the United States of America, but Critical Race Theory wants to make us the Divided States of America,” says Rep. Boebert. “Democrats have always been after our children. They pushed for segregated schools in the 60’s, and now they’re pushing this Critical Race Theory in our schools which is nothing more than modern day racism.” 

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