The teachers at Park Elementary in Rangely have a magical experience planned for the
community as they raise funds for teaching supplies in classrooms. ‘A Night At
Hogwarts’ is for all ages ready to experience the mystical world of Harry Potter and
friends with classes like Potions and Levitation and activities like Quidditch. All can be
sorted into their Hogwarts House, experience treats from Honeydukes Sweet Shop, and
choose a special wand made just for the individual. Many activities are included with the
ticket price but the witches and wizards can also purchase Galleons for the extras like
shoppes in Diagon Alley, including Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes Joke Shop, and food at
The Three Broomsticks and Leaky Cauldron. Tickets are $12 for the whole family or $4
per person. All are invited to the 10th Annual ‘A Night at Hogwarts’ on Friday, March
29th, at Parkview Elementary School from 5:30 to 8pm.
Rangely Teachers Invite Community To ‘A Night At Hogwarts’