Going joyriding can have consequences especially when it results in damage and on that note, the public is being asked to help identify a vehicle from several images. According to the announcement from the Buckskin Hills Recreation Complex, for several weeks someone has been causing Destruction to Public Property at the entrance to Buckskin Hills Recreation Complex. “Uintah County has worked hard to make this a great place to recreate,” shares the announcement. “We are looking for the owner of the Dodge pick up truck.” The pick up is red. The images are shared on the Buckskin Hills Recreation Complex Facebook page and the Uintah County Facebook page. They have also shared the images with the Uintah County Sheriff’s Department. If you know the owner, please contact Buckskin Hills at 435-828-1314 or the Uintah County Sheriff’s Department. The images can also be viewed with this news story on BasinNow.com.