Public Comment Open On Chevron Pipeline’s Duchesne River Bank Stabilization

by | Jul 10, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The public comment period is open on the Chevron Pipe Line Company’s Duchesne Riverbank stabilization project. “The proposed project involves bank stabilization on a section of the Duchesne River to prevent further erosion that could impact an existing crude oil pipeline,” explains the public notice on “Approximately 116.25 linear feet of riprap would be constructed along the north bank of the Duchesne River within the ordinary high water mark near Milepost 90 of the pipeline. The riprap would be placed into the river using a front-end loader or equivalent equipment from the top of the riverbank; river access is not anticipated. Work would be conducted during low flows. One temporary access road would be constructed to allow access to the work site from Rock Creek Road. Disturbed upland areas will be revegetated with native seed mix following construction.” The proposed project location is 1.34 miles west of the Rock Creek Road/Well Road intersection in Duchesne County. The comment period closes on August 8th. A link to instructions on how to comment is provided with this news story on     Link: 

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