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Provisional Drug Task Force Makes 33 Arrests in Sweetwater County

by | Aug 28, 2018 | News | 0 comments

The Sweetwater County Sheriff’s Narcotics and Arrest Group has stayed busy on an operation that resulted in dozens of drug arrests. “Earlier this year,” shares Sheriff Mike Lowell, “the SNAAG unit came to me with a proposal for a provisional drug task force operation – one that would employ a coordinated strategy among all the law enforcement agencies in Sweetwater County for a set period of time.” The campaign has been known as ‘Operation Smack’ and resulted in 33 drug arrests. Most of the cases involved Methamphetamine, though possession and trafficking of other drugs was also included. Agencies that assisted on the arrests include Rock Springs Police Department, Green River Police Department, the Division of Criminal Investigation, and Wyoming Highway Patrol.

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