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Prime Time 4 Kids Ready To Celebrate 50 Years Of Serving Local Families 

by | Sep 5, 2024 | News | 0 comments

A program that has blessed the lives of thousands of kids and their families in northeastern Utah is celebrating its 50th anniversary this month and the smiling faces behind the program are inviting all their service families, past and present, to the party. Prime Time 4 Kids is contracted through the Utah Department of Health and Human Services to provide early intervention services to children ages 0 to 3 living within Uintah and Daggett Counties. The agency originally existed as Uintah County Specialized Preschool Services and is among the oldest in the state thanks to Gayle Drollinger, a preschool teacher who began helping children with special needs receive services in their homes and communities all the way back in 1974. The fact that this was organized and being done before the launch of federally mandated early intervention services in 1986 is a testament to the love and dedication of Ms. Drollinger and those she recruited to grow the program over the years. In 2004, the administrative hat was passed to Michael Peterson and Eastern Utah Early Intervention, Inc. was established to continue the early intervention program which is also legally known as Prime Time 4 Kids. Peterson estimates that the program has evaluated about 8000 referrals over its 50 year history and he says Prime Time is ready to help thousands more in the years to come. Peterson has added 20 years as director to Drollinger’s 30 years and he says they were sure to invite Ms. Drollinger to the upcoming celebration, though it isn’t sure she can attend. “We are the 2nd oldest program in Utah,” says Peterson. “She built a great program and got us on the map.” All families connected with their early intervention services over the years are invited to the 50th Anniversary party on September 19th from 4:30 to 6pm at the Naples City Park. The cornhole tournament is $50 per team and starts at 5pm with prizes for the top 3 teams. To sign up or for more information, visit

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