Presidential Caucus Vote To Be Held At 2024 Republican Party Caucus 

by | Sep 21, 2023 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

The Uintah County Republican Party is rallying registered Republicans to get involved in the upcoming election year. The Utah Republican Party has decided to hold a Presidential Caucus Vote at the 2024 Caucus instead of holding a traditional primary. This means local votes will help determine Utah’s vote at the 2024 National Republican Convention to nominate a Republican Presidential candidate. “Many believe rural Utah doesn’t have a voice in politics,” shares Uintah County Republican Party Chairman Kason Goodrich. “That is only true when we don’t share our voice. With the presidential election happening next year we have an opportunity to let our voice be heard. 9 years ago, state lawmakers attempted to stifle our voice with SB 54,” he continues. “We have an opportunity in March to show our lawmakers the caucus system is Utah’s preferred method for sending true conservatives to represent us. Our turnout will not only impact the presidential race, it will also send a message.” Registered Republicans are invited to participate in the Presidential Caucus Vote on March 5th. To stay informed about candidates and events, visit the Uintah County Republican Party Facebook page or visit  

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