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Pioneer Day Crowd Turns Out For Old Time Fun At DUP Museum In Vernal

by | Jul 25, 2023 | News | 0 comments

A crowd turned out for some old time fun at the Uintah County Daughters of Utah Pioneers Museum in Vernal on Monday. A growing tradition for locals is to walk over to the museum following the Pioneer Day parade on Vernal’s Main Street. Stephanie Howard, DUP Secretary of the Uintah Company, handled most of the planning for this year’s event which hoped for 300 people, a goal they achieved. Stations were set up in front of the museum with old fashioned activities such as rope making, pottery, and blacksmithing. Of course the point was to educate and have some fun but Stephanie said it also serves to help us understand our heritage. “They lived difficult lives,” shares Stephanie. “Learning about their lives helps us connect with them and have a sense of place and people to understand who we are, who we came from, and what people sacrificed for us to be where we are.” The Daughters of Utah Pioneers Museum in Vernal is free to the public but donations are always accepted, especially right now as the museum’s air conditioning needs repaired. Donations go towards the museum’s operation and upkeep. 

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