Patrols Increased Following Suspicious Incidents Around Douglas Pass

by | Aug 23, 2024 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

A scary account of suspicious individuals targeting travelers between Douglas Pass and the Town of Rangely has been verified by law enforcement. The Rio Blanco County Sheriff’s Office issued a Public Safety Awareness Bulletin for Highway 139 on Thursday, sharing that they are aware of not just one but two suspicious incidents occurring recently along that corridor. The Sheriff’s Office shared that it was nearly midnight on August 18th when deputies were advised by a couple traveling on Highway 139 of a “small dark colored sedan” with no visible license plate stopped in the roadway. As the couple neared the vehicle, its occupants began flashing their headlamps as if needing help or warning of a hazard in the road. When the couple stopped to see if everyone was ok, the occupants of the vehicle described as four Hispanic males wearing button down shirts began to surround their vehicle. The couple felt uncomfortable and drove away. As they drove away they noticed the vehicle stopped in the roadway also drove away in the opposite direction. A second suspicious incident occurred on August 21st near 10pm when deputies were advised by a commuter from Rangely of a similar incident where an unknown vehicle seemed to follow them for a period of time, often times tailgating them and turning off their headlamps. While no one was hurt in either instance and the intent of the suspicious individuals was not determined, the sheriff’s office immediately increased patrols on the Highway 139 corridor in an attempt to identify these person(s) and their intent and to deter any potential wrongdoing. The Rio Blanco County Sheriff’s Office asks all travelers of that corridor to be safe, stay aware and please report any suspicious activity immediately by calling 911 or 970-878-9600.

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