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Patriot Tour Traveling Through Uintah Basin Friday and Saturday

by | Aug 14, 2020 | News | 0 comments

A special American flag being escorted through the continental United States will be passing through the Uintah Basin today and tomorrow. Every year, an organization called the Nation of Patriots pays tribute to America’s Armed Forces – Past, Present, & Fallen – through a united effort known as The Patriot Tour(™). “Traditionally beginning and ending in Wisconsin, the Patriot Tour consists of one American Flag being carried through 48 continental states, escorted by tens of thousands for 110 days straight all in honor of America’s Armed Forces members,” shares Patriot Tour regional coordinator Cindy Bryson. “The Patriot Tour is a vehicle through which we strive to unite Americans beneath the colors of our nation’s Flag and behind the men and women who bravely stand up to defend them. Everyone is welcome, so find the closest stop to you and join us.” A group will escort the flag coming from Colorado. Those wanting to join the ride can meet at Beers Harley Davidson at 10:45am to ride to Jensen together and meet the tour at the Utah Welcome Center/Jensen Welcome Center. They will leave the Welcome Center around 11:45am to escort the flag to the Vernal Sports Center (Beer’s Harley Davidson) arriving about 12:30pm where the flag will be passed off to Jonny Bastain. On August 15th, Jonny will transport the flag to Salt Lake City Harley Davidson. Meet at the Vernal Sports Center at 8:30am on Saturday to leave at 9:00am to escort the flag. The tour will go through Roosevelt at about 9:30am and Duchesne at about 10:15am. They expect to reach Salt Lake City by 1:30pm. Bikers wanting to join the Patriot Tour are welcome!

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