Outstanding Local Young Women Compete At Miss Utah Teen Volunteer Pageant

by | Jan 8, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The state level Miss Utah Teen Volunteer Pageant was held over the weekend and an outstanding group of young ladies were there representing the Uintah Basin. All did a wonderful job and a few received special recognition. Little Miss UBIC Arden Grace Cuch won the title of Miss Utah Volunteer Princess. Miss Uintah County Teen Volunteer Emma Shelton won 1st Attendant in the pageant as well as winning the Service Award. Local Tessa Barton also competed and was named the 2024 Serve In Action Miss. Finally, Miss Uintah County Volunteer Jacobi Christensen was awarded as the top ad page winner at Miss Utah Volunteer.  Great job to all the girls from the Uintah Basin who competed and represented the Basin so well!

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