Official Declaration From Governor’s Office Read At ‘Let’s Go’ Opening Night

by | Jun 25, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Not only was opening night of ‘Let’s Go – A John Wesley Powell Story’ a success, it
started off with a guest making a special presentation. Mike Mower with the Governor’s
Office presented an official Declaration commemorating the 155th Anniversary of the
Colorado River Exploring Expedition. It also announced July 25th through the 28th, the
dates of Uintah County’s upcoming John Wesley Powell River Festival, as Utah River
Rafting Weekend this year. Mower had plenty to say after experiencing the musical
production first hand. “Governor Cox was honored to do the Declaration commemorating
the most epic whitewater rafting trip in American history,” shared Mower. “We are so
proud of Vernal and the Uintah Basin for coming together to put on this incredible
musical. It is a great tribute to the Powells and to Daggett and Uintah County. This is
really a fun production and it is an honor to be here to represent the Governor and the
State of Utah.” The ‘Let’s Go – A John Wesley Powell Story’ production at Outlaw Trail
Theater runs through July 6th. Get your tickets at

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