New School Year Reminders From Law Enforcement Agencies In Uintah County

by | Aug 20, 2024 | News | 0 comments

It’s back to school day for most schools throughout the Uintah Basin and local law enforcement have some reminders for all. “Our officers will be actively patrolling school zones to ensure the safety of all students, parents, and staff,” shares Vernal Police. “The Vernal PD will enforce a zero-tolerance policy for speeding in school zones. We urge all drivers to adhere to the speed limits and remain vigilant in these areas to ensure the safety of our community’s children. Let’s work together to make this school year a safe and successful one!” Uintah County Sheriff’s Office shared a specific reminder. “Please be mindful of school buses on the road, and kids going to and from school,” shares the Sheriff’s Office. “In the 2024 legislative session the fine schedule was changed to affect when a vehicle doesn’t stop for a school bus with its red lights flashing and stop sign out. Effective May 1st, 2024, it’s a $1000 fine and ten hours of compensatory service if a person gets convicted of not stopping for a school bus with its red flashing lights on. A second conviction within five years is a $2000 fine and 20 hours of service. A third conviction in five years is a $3000 fine and 40 hours of service! The legislature meant business with this change. Pay attention out there and watch for the school buses!”

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