New Repairs to Steinaker Reservoir; No Limit on Fishing

by | Apr 18, 2017 | News | 0 comments

While locals have known repairs to Steinaker Reservoir were coming, new repairs have been announced. According to DWR Regional Aquatics Manager Trina Hedrick, the Bureau of Reclamation is draining Steinaker further than originally planned in order to repair the dam and improve it for earthquake safety. Biologists do not believe fish can be kept alive in the 300 acre-feet of water now anticipated to be left and as a result the DWR has issued a NO LIMIT on fishing of any species in Steinaker Reservoir beginning Saturday, April 22nd. This includes bass, bluegill, and both species of trout. Bass and bluegill will also be taken to be used for restocking Pelican Lake after its rotenone treatment in the fall of 2018 and for Steinaker after the dam work. Some fish may even be transported to other regions of the state including community waters on the Wasatch Front. “We’ll do everything we can to make sure fish don’t go to waste,” shares Hedrick. “We want to emphasize that although this is a bummer for the fishery, it’s necessary for dam safety.”

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