Naples Auto Sales Announces Winner Of Car Giveaway

by | Jul 10, 2023 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

After months of anticipation, Friday was the amazing day that Naples Auto Sales announced and presented a very deserving Uintah Basin community member with a vehicle as part of a car giveaway. Over 170 applications were received between the middle of April and May 31st and it was tough narrowing down applications with so many deserving families facing challenges. “Following the submission deadline we went through a very lengthy process to arrive at our winner,” shares Chase Cloward of Naples Auto Sales. “We had so many factors to consider. We ultimately decided that our winner needed to be someone who is facing financial challenges, struggling in today’s economy, actively working to create a better life, but still having the compassion to help others. Our winner is an incredibly deserving person and we are so excited to have the opportunity to help. Once we made our decision we began the process of selecting a vehicle that would best suit the needs of our winner. In today’s car market there are definitely challenges but we were able to secure a very dependable vehicle that will definitely be a perfect fit.” Surrounded by friends and family, Sadie Neilson of Duchesne was announced as the winner and presented with the vehicle on Friday. “Sadie is an incredible lady who gives so much for her family but has struggled for a long time,” says Cloward. “We are so happy for this opportunity to help out such a caring person.” Friends and family shared stories of Sadie’s generosity and kindness making Friday a special experience for all. 

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