You may be itching to get out and collect shed antlers but know that you’re taking an expensive risk if you get out and do it before April 1st. The Division of Wildlife Resources has issued the warning once again this week with the reminder that if you want to gather legally between April 1st and 15th, you must complete a 20 minute ethics course online first. Since the shed antler closure was announced, conservation officers have spent thousands of hours watching for violators. The closure on shed antler gathering was announced on February 3rd in order to reduce stress on big game during harsh winter conditions. The people cited so far now face fines up to $1,000 dollars and are charged with Unlawful Take of Protected Wildlife, a class B Misdemeanor. The DWR is urging all to follow the shed antler closure until it ends on April 1st. From April 1st through the 15thshed antler gatherers must have an Antler Gathering Permit. The course and certificate are available at