Mormon Crickets Invading Rangely Town Limits

by | May 31, 2024 | News | 0 comments

An unwelcome guest has moved into Rangely town limits and officials are offering suggestions to residents on how to handle it. In recent years, the so-called Mormon Crickets have cut through the region as massive swarms eating crops and even covering miles of roadway. Colorado’s western slope has seen the worst of the damage but the crickets did make their way into Uintah County as well. Unfortunately, the pests are out in force again this year. In response, Cricket Bait has been put in lines along Bronco Road, Camper Park and heading east immediately leaving Town to mitigate as many numbers as possible. Here are some suggestions from the Town of Rangely: Where possible, home owners can erect a fence or slick barrier 18 to 24 inches high around valuable ornamentals, flower beds, and gardens. Mormon crickets normally cannot walk up a slick barrier placed in a vertical position. If a few Mormon crickets enter a home or building, they may be vacuumed into a disposable bag. Seal the bag and dispose of it in the trash. Carbaryl (Sevin®) bait may be applied around the perimeter of properties, such as fields, gardens, and landscapes as a protection. Bait can usually be purchased by home owners from private suppliers. For those concerned with the use of traditional pesticides, there are general use products such as PERMA-GUARD Garden and Plant Insecticide (D-21) registered for application around the home.  

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