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Moon Lake Electric Issues Declaration Of Impending U.S. Energy Crisis

by | Jun 29, 2023 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

Moon Lake Electric has joined the growing force of civic leaders and agencies demanding that the Biden Administration course correct the current U.S. Energy Policy before an energy crisis ensues. Moon Lake Electric Company issued a ‘Declaration Of Impending U.S. Energy Crisis’ on June 15th. The Declaration states in part: “Moon Lake is deeply concerned with the United States’ impending energy crisis. There is a growing trend of decommissioning many of the existing dispatchable power generation resources across the country without viable replacements. Demand for energy continues to increase while the supply of reliable and affordable electricity follows a downward trajectory leaving the nation’s populous with an electricity deficiency. As the electricity deficiency progresses, it will result in higher cost of electricity to the “Average Joe” domestically. In other words, those with greater financial means will be able to afford electricity while the less fortunate will have to go without – this crisis cannot be tolerated. The largely non-dispatchable nature of new generation resources also has great potential to result in grid instability and blackout conditions. These threats not only impact the current standards of living and the nation’s economy, but more importantly U.S. national security…Moon Lake respectfully warns the U.S. government, State of Utah, State of Colorado, and local governmental officials of the impending dangers to current standards of living, the nation’s economy, and U.S. national security. Moon Lake beseeches all government officials to articulate, promulgate, and implement “common sense” rationale to the U.S. energy policies thereby mitigating the foreseeable energy crisis and calamities that await. As a rural community with numerous underserved communities, Moon Lake implores all governmental officials to take action now.” Visit the Moon Lake Electric Association, Inc. Facebook page to read the entire Declaration. 

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