Memorial weekend is the kickoff to the boating season for many Basin families. Whether entering or exiting the Basin at Daniels Canyon, boaters are required to stop for an inspection or risk being cited. Three mandatory inspection stations are set up around the state, one in St. George, another at Bear Lake, and the third on Highway 40 at the Daniels Canyon point of entry. The stations are established to protect Utah’s waters from quagga mussels and the inspections are not just for boats but for all watercraft including jet skis, canoes, kayaks, or even float tubes. Travelers that choose not to stop are at high risk of receiving a citation and the officer giving the citation will direct the traveler back to the station to get the watercraft inspected. The spread of quagga or zebra mussels is taken seriously in Utah because mussels can plug water lines which would cost Utah millions of dollars to remove. Mussells also devastate fisheries, damage boat engines, and cause water sources to smell. For more information, call 801-538-4737.