Meet the Candidates
Click on Picture to Listen to Interview

Jason Walton (R) Utah’s U.S. Senate Seat
KVEL interview aired March 11, 2024

Case Lawrence Republican Candidate for U.S. Congress Utah’s 3rd District
KVEL interview aired Febuary 28, 2024

Carolyn Phippen (R) Candidate U.S. Senate Utah
KVEL interview aired on Febuary 29, 2024

JR Bird US Congressional Launch
In an interview with Steve Evans on Newtalk KVEL 104.5. JR Bird discussed reasons for switching from a US Senate run to canditate for Utah’s 3rd Congressional District which includes the Uintah Basin. Interview aired on January 3rd 2024 on KVEL.

John Curtis US Senate Campaign Launch
Listen to John Curtis’ campaign announcement for Utah’s US Senate seat being vacated by Mitt Romney. KVEL 104.5 aired this interview at 5 p.m. on Januay 3rd 2024.

U.S. Senate Candidate Trent Staggs
U.S. Senate Candidate, Trent Staggs (R) visited the Uintah Basin Tuesday 9-12-23 to visit with local leaders, the Vernal Area Chamber of Commerce, industry leaders and the local media. Staggs is running for for the seat beinig vacated by Utah Senator Mitt Romney....

Utah Senator Mike Lee
Senator Mike Lee campain visit to the Uintah Basin. Issues facing Uintah Basin citizens including, inflation, domestic energy production on public lands were discussed. Interview aired on KVEL 11-1-22