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Meet The Candidates: Tracy Ross For Duchesne County Commissioner

by | Jun 11, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Tracy Ross is among those running for Duchesne County Commission and is on the June 25th Primary Election ballot. During an interview with Evans Family Media, Ross shared that he had several friends approach him about running for Commissioner and he decided to step up and bring his leadership experience to the table among the crowded pool of candidates. He said he has the time and freedom to travel where needed to represent and fight for Duchesne County. Ross shared that the topic he has heard about the most from Duchesne County residents is water. The concern is that water is being taken from Duchesne County, piped to Strawberry Reservoir just to be piped to the Great Salt Lake. Ross says this is a waste of water that could be used for farmland and residential homes. He noted that part of the agreement for piping the water was that more reservoirs would be built in Duchesne County so there is stored water available. Ross also shared that he sees a need for economic growth in Duchesne County, not major growth like in the Salt Lake area, but more businesses could increase the tax base while possibly reducing taxes in other areas. The interview also covers the topics of the rail, transportation, and affordable housing, among others. Listen to the entire interview on by clicking on ‘Meet the Candidates’ under the ‘Community’ tab.

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