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Meet The Candidate: Tom Hansen For Utah House District 67

by | May 28, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Tom Hansen, the endorsed Republican Convention nominee for Utah House District 67, recently gave an interview with Evans Family Media and the interview is available to listen to. Hansen was a Convention only candidate and is running against incumbent Christine Watkins. Hansen is a teacher of 29 years, a small business owner, Emery County Republican Chair, EmeryTelcom Board President, and led the tax referendum to prevent tax hikes on food, services, and fuel. During the interview, Hansen discusses issues with Centrally Assessed Taxes, Severance Taxes, and Mineral Lease funds and the need to get more funds back to the places where they originated from. Hansen discusses federal overreach with public lands and the rural way of life as well as other hot topics this election. Learn more about Tom Hansen at Listen to the entire interview on by clicking on ‘Meet the Candidates’ under the ‘Community’ tab.

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