Meet The Candidate: Rachel Terry for Utah Attorney General

by | Jun 21, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Rachel Terry, candidate for Utah Attorney General, recently took the opportunity to have an interview with Evans Family Media to discuss issues facing the state and her plans if elected. Terry has worked as an attorney for 20 years and is currently the Director of the Utah Division of Risk Management. She had previously worked for 7 years in the Attorney General’s Office and feels she can do the most good with her skill set if elected as Attorney General. Terry says public lands is a top issue and that she will fight to keep access to public lands in our state for energy production, recreation, and agriculture. In the interview, she speaks of her support for the Uinta Basin Railway and says it is wrong that a handful of judges could overturn the decisions of hundreds of individuals and entities that signed off on the project. The interview also discusses support for law enforcement, border issues, illegal immigration, and more. Listen to the entire interview on by clicking on ‘Meet the Candidates’ under the ‘Community’ tab.

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