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Meet the Candidate: Jae Potter for House District 69

by | Jun 15, 2018 | News | 0 comments

Jae Potter visited the KVEL studio this week for an interview on the Meet the Candidate Forum. Potter is currently serving as the Carbon County Commissioner and is running for the House District 69 seat which serves constituents in Carbon, Grand, Emery, and Duchesne County. His campaign information can be found at

.  Potter lives in and is a native to Price. He says he has the relationships in place to make an impact in the House District 69 seat. The Meet the Candidate Forum started on May 7th and is being held select mornings from 8 to 9am broadcast on News Talk KVEL 104.5 FM and 920 AM. Interviews will be rebroadcast weekday mornings from 8 to 9am through June 19th.

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