McCoy Flats Death Race Tomorrow: Winner Is Last Man Standing

by | Jul 14, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Don’t let the name scare you. The McCoy Flats Death Race is a unique and popular race that you can still get signed up for. Amber Hadlock with Uintah Recreation visited the Evans Family Media studios with details on tomorrow’s race and why it is so loved. This race is for everyone because you pick how far you go, explains Hadlock. It is a 4-mile course that you can start every hour on the hour and the winner is the last man standing. Last year’s winner ran 72 miles over 18 rounds and ran late into the night. There were also participants who enjoyed just one 4-mile round and still walked away with an awesome metal, t-shirt, and prizes. Once finished with the 4 miles, racers hang out, eat snacks, and socialize until the next round at the top of the hour. Every hour, a picture is posted on social media of who is still in it. Sign up at or head to McCoy Flats early tomorrow morning at 5am to register the same day.

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