The names Erik Bailey, Travis Tucker, and Steve Labrum can be found on the signature list accompanying a statement now circulating from the Utah Sheriffs’ Association titled “THE CONSTITUTION & INDIVIDUALS’ RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS”. In case you didn’t know, these three men are the Sheriffs of Daggett, Duchesne, and Uintah Counties and the statement they have signed shares a clear message. The statement begins: “Prompted by increasing public concern to safeguard constitutional rights, we, the elected Sheriffs of Utah, solemnly reaffirm our sworn oaths to ‘…support, obey, and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Utah…’” It later continues: “Importantly, the Second Amendment of our divinely inspired Constitution clearly states ‘…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.’ We hereby recognize a significant principle underlying the Second Amendment: the right to keep and bear arms is indispensable to the existence of a free people. As your elected Sheriffs, we individually and collectively pledge to do everything within our power to steadfastly protect the Second Amendment and all other individual rights guaranteed by the Constitution.” The statement was signed by all 29 Sheriffs in the State of Utah.