Local Pediatrician Encourages Families To Enjoy Benefits Of Small Town Living

by | Jun 13, 2023 | News | 0 comments

While some might assume life in a small town must be boring, a local pediatrician disagrees. June is Children’s Health Month and Dr. Ethan Pettit presented to the Vernal Chamber of Commerce last week on this very topic. He shared that he recently had a friend share an opinion that living in small towns deprives children of opportunities that they could have in a large city. Pettit’s response was that “Vernal is the Best!” There is a focus on families and there are countless opportunities to get out of the house and away from screens. Some examples he gave of the great opportunities were mountain biking, kayaking, hiking, rock climbing, Passport to Summer, library summer reading programs, community theater, gardening, and more. Dr. Pettit’s message was very clear. We need to make sure we engage in activities as families and in the community that get our kids moving physically as well as stimulating their young minds. Get out and enjoy!

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