Local Leaders Apply for Reduction from Orange to Yellow-Low Risk Status

by | May 13, 2020 | News | 0 comments

Utah as a whole may be categorized in the ‘Orange-Moderate Risk Phase’ of the Utah Leads Together plan to slowly reopen the state’s economy but leaders in northeastern Utah are ready to move ahead. TriCounty Health Officer Jordan Mathis shares that the TriCounty Health District Board of Health met with the Commissioners from Duchesne, Uintah, and Daggett Counties on Monday evening and made the decision to petition the Governor to move the TriCounty Health District from the ‘Orange-Moderate Risk Phase’ into the ‘Yellow-Low Risk Phase’ of the plan. Mathis says they hope to know by Friday if that will be approved. One thing he noted, however, is that moving to Yellow will not mean that people won’t need to continue to be safe. Rather, Mathis says if local numbers continue to stay where they are at then the shift will be fine but if there is an increase in numbers there is always the option of shifting back to Orange or Red. Mathis says it will all hinge on what each of us decides to do. For more information on COVID-19, visit www.tricountyhealth.com or coronavirus.utah.gov

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