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Local Foster Families Needed; Donate And Connect Event Coming May 20th

by | May 3, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Foster families are needed in northeastern Utah and an event is coming up to help the kids who are or will be in the foster system. “If you have a desire to help kids, we want you. There’s not a specific kind of parent we are looking for,” shares local foster mom Shannon Smith. Smith and her husband have been foster parents for 4 years, have adopted 2 kids, and have fostered 13 kids. “Kids just need someone to love them,” she continues. “Needs someone to be there for them during this time that is horrible and sad and scary.” Those interested in learning more about fostering are encouraged to visit Another way to support local foster kids is by bringing donations to the Donate and Connect community event at Vernal’s Ashley Valley Community Park on May 20th. They need good condition dressers, furniture, clothing, diapers, bedding, and supplies to help new foster placements. 

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