Local Encourages More Community Members To Foster Pets

by | Jan 6, 2022 | News | 0 comments

The Henline family of Vernal are doing their part to literally save lives and they are encouraging more community members to give what they do a try. So what is it that they do? Well in the last 7 years they have fostered more than 400 pets, literally saving their lives in the process. They don’t share this to get a pat on the back but simply to encourage more people to give it a try. “Did you know that fostering literally saves lives?” shares Tiffany Henline. “Did you know that when you sign up to foster with a reputable rescue group that they pay for all of the medical and generally food and supplies? Did you know that when you find that perfect family, that you will change THEIR lives too- yes, the people.” Tiffany also emphasizes that the local shelters are full and not because of a shelter issue or a shelter worker issue. “This is a me and you issue! The community,” she says. The shelters fill up because they have been failed by the families who were meant to care for their pets and those working in the shelter do their best to love and care for them but they literally run out of space. So how can you help? Here’s Tiffany’s plea on behalf of the Community Animal Welfare Society: “If you have just a small amount of space, and a little vulnerability we need YOUR HELP now. Our shelter dogs and cats need foster homes TODAY. Driving pets to the city is also a big help. TRANSPORTING is a big part of rescue. Temporary space [is needed]. Fostering can sometimes mean a weekend spot, or a puppy for only a few weeks until they can be vaccinated enough to leave the safety of the foster home. Please contact us if you think you might like to give it a shot. We need help. We can help you, to help us. Please.” Visit www.caws.org to learn more. 

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