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Local Ballot Errors and Delays Part of a Bigger Problem

by | Jun 14, 2018 | News | 0 comments

Delays and errors to a portion of local ballots are part of a bigger problem that stretches beyond the Uintah Basin. According to Duchesne County Clerk Auditor JoAnn Evans, several Utah counties are having issues with the same printing facility. “This is not just a Duchesne County problem,” explains Evans. “We are doing everything we can to rectify the situation.” Duchesne County and other counties are working with the Lt. Governor’s Office and the printing company in Nebraska to make sure all errors are fixed and all voters will have the chance to vote with an accurate ballot. The state of Utah purchased a new election system and most of the counties in Utah bought the new system as well. “They are taking on practically a whole state at one time where they were usually just a county here and there across the country,” says Evans. “Obviously they are still working out the bugs. It is unfortunate but we are doing our best on our end to keep this election full of integrity and will help anyone that asks us.” The state House District 69 race between Christine Watkins and Jae Potter was not included on the ballots that were sent out to voters in 10 Roosevelt precincts due to the problem at the printing facility. This includes Roosevelt precincts RO12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 71, 72, 82, and 91. If you live in any of the Roosevelt voting precincts listed, you should check your ballot and destroy it if it does not have the House District 69 race included. Corrected ballots were mailed out on Tuesday to the affected voters.

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