Local Agencies Remind All That Rainy Weather Increases Risk Of Hydroplaning

by | Oct 5, 2023 | News | 0 comments

With rainy weather increasing accidents on the road, it’s no surprise that local agencies are sharing hydroplaning safety tips. Duchesne Volunteer Fire Department shares that hydroplaning happens when the tires on your vehicle lose their grip on a road surface and instead travel on a film of water sitting on top of the road. Hydroplaning is caused by a combination of road conditions, vehicle speed, tread depth and vehicle weight. Consider waiting out the storm if your tire tread is low, as tires that are worn are not able to move water away fast enough to avoid hydroplaning. Remember to turn your headlights on and on low so you’re seen but not causing glares in rainstorms and be sure to drive slow. Other tips while driving in heavy rain include the following: do not use cruise control; leave room between vehicles; avoid hard braking, sudden acceleration or sharp turns; and stay in your lane. Finally, avoid puddles and standing water because as little as 12 inches of moving water can sweep your vehicle off the road or into oncoming traffic.

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